Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Ampliflier (inverting, non inverting,...)

Today we started class with learning about buffer ampliflier.
Vout = vin in the unity gain buffer amplifier.
Buffer ampliflier does not allow changes in voltage
We predicted following graphs of buffer ampliflier for vin and v out

Inverting Ampliflier : An inverting ampliļ¬er reverses the polarity of the input signal while amplifying it.
Vout= -Rf/R1 (Vin)
We did following example in class for inverting ampliflier

Non- inverting Ampliflier: op Amp circuit designed to provide positive voltage gain.
Following an example we did in class. 

Summing Apliflier: we did summing ampliflying lab
Following was our set up of the summing ampliflying circuit.
Vout= -R3/R1 ( Va+Vb) ; R3 = R1
Below is our inverted summing circuit design
we tested our design with va from -5 V to 5V

Following please find calculation for pre lab.
We created table with v out predicted vs actual. 

Difference Ampliflier: device that ampliflies the difference between two inputs but rejects any signals common to the two inputs.
way to recover noise in lots of equipment through difference ampliflier.
Difference Ampliflier subtract one wave from another wave. 

Following is the set up of our circuit for difference ampliflier lab.
V0= Vb-vA
% difference was due to the saturation.

Following is table of our Calcutta measured value vs theoretical calculated values. We also calculated % difference.

Thursday, March 26, 2015


Today we learned about OP Amp , an electronic unit that behaves like a voltage controlled soure.
we listed 5 sources Transistor, resister, diode, current supply and voltage supply that we used or learned about so far.

We predicted following graph of an equivalent circuit. Amplitude was much higher in equivalent circuit and it was off in entire region because of no current flowing.

Operational amplifier can switch between positive and negative where transistor amplifier are not able to do that.

We redrew following amp circuit with some internal resistor.

Following is the example of non ideal amplifier that we did in class.

We built following non ideal op amp circuit.  Measured vout values and compared it with v expected.

Graph of v out vs v in.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Norton's Theorem

Today we learned about Norton's Theorem. We did following problem in class.

Max LAB Power : we did following circuit analysis to find power max  by finding Rl first then power max. Then we built the following circuit and measured voltage across to calculate power max. our measured power max was 2.80 mw and calulated power max is 2.84 mw. 
Error Difference: error difference was 1.4%  due to Rs inside the source.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Every circuit

We download Every circuit on laptop and did following circuit.

Thevenin's Therem: we learned about Thevenin's theorem today. Thevenin’s theorem states that a linear two-terminal circuit can be replaced by an equivalent circuit consisting of a voltage source VTh in series with a Resitior Rth where Vth is the open circuit volatage at the terminals and Rth is the input or equivalent resistance at the terminals when the independent sources are turned off. 

Then we solved for following example using every circuit then using Theveni's therem  we solved for Rt and Vth. 

T .Displaying photo 1.JPG 
Displaying photo 2.JPG

Displaying photo 3.JPG

Thevenin's Theorem LAB:  

Prelab: we solved following circuit using every circuit and Thevenin's Theorem first. 

Displaying photo 4.JPG
Displaying photo 5.PNG
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Here's an image of our circuit that we created with potentiometer. 

Displaying photo 2.JPG
Displaying photo 2.JPG
Displaying photo 3.JPG

Below are our calculations and measured and calculated values of Rl. Our % error was larger due to error in multimeter. 

Displaying photo 5.JPG
Displaying photo 1.JPG

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Time varying signals

We started class with time varying lab
Pre lab: we draw three graphs of the following circuit using input and output voltages . The shape was the same but amplitude was half. 

Following are the screen shot of waveform in sinusoidal , triangle and square wave form. The basic shapes of these signals are all periodic signals. They repeat themselves at regular intervals. The amplitude of the signal is essentially he maximum and minimum value that the signal achieves.

Displaying sine.png

Frequency: 1ms
Amplitude: 2V

Displaying square wave.png

Frequency : 2ms
Amplitude: 4.5V

Displaying triangle wave.png

Frequency: 1ms
Amplitude 3V

LAB: A BJT curve Tracer
The purpose of this lab is to investigate the collector current, IC vs. collector voltage, VCE characteristics of the BJT. After successfully configuring the curve tracer, we serialized and measured the device and sorted this inventory of transistors by various parameters such as 

Following is the image of our gummel plot data and graph. The Gummel plot is the combined plot of the collector and base currents (IC and IB) of a transistor vs. the base-emitter voltage, VBE, on a semi-logarithmic scalegain (beta) , VBE etc

Set up of BJT curve tracer circuit

Then we learned about linear circuits. Following an example of linear circuit that we did in class. A linear circuit is one whose output is linearly related to its input. 

Superposition : The superposition principle states that the voltage across (or current through) an element in a linear circuit is the algebraic sum of the voltages across (or currents through) that element due to each independent source acting alone.
Following is an example of superposition problem we did in class. 

Then we learned about source transformation : following one problem that we did using source transformation . A source transformation is the process of replacing a voltage source  V in series with resistor R by a current i in parallel with a resistor R or vise versa. 

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Mesh analysis 3 lab

We started class with having a group quiz on Mesh analysis. Following was our answer. we use our graphic calcuators for matrix.

Following was an example of Supermesh analysis. Supermesh is just like super node except you have currents that can become super mesh. A supermesh results when two meshes have a (dependent or independent) current source in common. 

Mesh Analysis Lab: In this lab we analyzied, built  , and tested following circuit containing multiple sources. WE used Mesh analysis techniwue to predict this circuit's response however there are other techniques that can be used. Circuit's physical behaviour is not affectd by the analysis technique used.

We first solved the circuit by using mesh anlaysis as mentioned above. Above were our calculated results.

Following are pictures of our circuit set up and measured values for I1 and V1.

In conclusion, our % differance was not that big between calculated and measured values. Following are our results for both prediction and measured with Error difference.

In lecture we also learned that Networks that contain many series-connected elements, voltage sources, or supermeshes. a circuit with fewer meshes than nodes is better analyzed using mesh analysis. 
Networks with parallel-connected elements, current sources, or supernodes are more suitable for nodal analysis.   A circuit with fewer nodes than meshes is better analyzed using nodal analysis

WE also learned about PNP And NPN Transistors and did one circuit problem with transitors. Following was the problem we did in class. Displaying photo.JPGDisplaying photo.JPG