Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Solderless Breadboards, Open-Circuits and Short-circuits LAB

Using DMM as an ohmmeter we me measured resistance between two holes from node a and node b.. we measured infinate resistance and it was open circuit.

Using DMM as an ohmmeter we me measured resistance between two holes from node a.. we measured 0.6 resistance and it was close circuit.

 Using DMM as an ohmmeter we me measured resistance between two holes from node a and node c. we measured infinate resistance and it was open circuit.

 Using DMM as an ohmmeter we me measured resistance between two holes from node a and node b.. we measured 0.5 resistance and it was close circuit.

Above are our written answers to questions which shows resistance measured with different nodes and characteristic of circuit.

Following are few images of DC Circuit problems done in class 

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