Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Sinusoids and Phasors

Today we started the class with learning about sinusoids and phasors.
Sinusoid is a signal that has the form of the sine or cosine functions. It is usually referred as Alternating Current (ac).

We did following graph of v(t)=3 sin (2t+1.5)
3 is amplitude. 2t is angular frequency and 1.5 is phase shift.  If we add +2 then graph will shift upward 2 as shown in the picture in pink marker.

We did following problem to find phase angle between v1 and v2 by converting both trig functions into the same form and graphically. 

Here is another problem, with the sine function converted to phasor notation to find angle and magnitude

Some more practice problem.....

more practice problem....

Table on the right shows the  relationship on how to solve for voltage or current depending on the given variable.  Problem was done with phasor notation and converted into sinusoidal notation.

IN CLASS EXPERIMENT/Demonstration: Professor mason did demo in class using oscilloscope to show how the sine wave and square wave are produced on the screen of the oscilloscope. Oscilloscope screen has tube that is connected with plates which produces lights that produces the sine or square wave.

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